Studying (Lately)

After much delay 👀 Shopify has released their new certification program. Much like others exams I’ve studied for (Adobe Commerce, Google Analytics IQ) the training material reads a lot like a marketing brochure, but I guess who can blame them?

The Shopify Basic plan has a “First 3 months for $1” introductory offer, so if there are no loopholes (such as: exit early, pay the full year) I might give the ‘ol create-a-fake-business-to-learn-faster thing a try.

I’ve also gone back to my old notecard style of studying. I can’t remember if I picked this up from Ultralearning by Scott Young or some Ryan Holiday Book… either way, you basically write down core concepts on notecards and then you create a little rolodex of things you want to remember. I’ve started doing it with things I know pretty-okay too and then using them as reminders to freshen up every now and then.

For example, webp images. Did you know they’re vastly smaller in size than jpeg and can be animated – much more lightweight than a gif? I haven’t done much comparison on how the quality of the image degrades (if it does) or at what point does a browser start supporting webp (if your grandma visits your website, will she see any images if you only webpbbbbtttt?)

Anyways, I googled that last one, and the browser support notes for webp are kind of interesting.

I’ll throw a dart on a date for that Shopify certification. It’s significantly less of a cost than the Adobe exam (by about 1/4) and with features smaller in scale I find it much less intimidating.